Sunday, October 13, 2013

Past Life Regression is More Popular Than Ever

Past Life Regression guru Dr. Brian Weiss appeared on Oprah on June 2, 2013. Both my phone and email were very active after that show. But the funny thing was things started picking up a week before the show.

Initially I thought it was due to the promo that had been airing on the Oprah Network, but I soon found out I was wrong. I asked a client when she wanted a session and she said that she had been watching the Long Island Medium, and she went to see a Past Life Regression Therapist to find out why she is a medium in this life.

I offer Past Life Regression in Dallas as well as in New Orleans, Houston, Oklahoma City, Arkansas, San Antonio, Atlanta and Charleston, SC (my hometown), so I had people contacting me from all over the place. I had a trip planned to Charleston starting on June 20, 2013, and thought I'd have some openings during my trip, but after these 2 shows I filled my schedule in Charleston.

I typically visit New Orleans and Houston for Past Life Regression every 4-5 months, but with all this media exposure I have been going even more often. I was in New Orleans and Houston in July and again in September and I have another trip to New Orleans scheduled for November. I'd like to return to Houston again before the end of the year, but I also need to go to Oklahoma City and I am not sure I will be able to fit both trips into my schedule. I have not been to Oklahoma since all the media exposure, so I have a lot of people waiting there for a session.

With all these sessions I am gathering more and more material for my upcoming Past Life Regression book. I have received multiple messages from spirit over the last 3 months letting me know that it is time to write my first book. The only snag I have now is that most of the content of my sessions are in audio format, thought I do take notes during the sessions.

My Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives clients in Dallas are glad I am back in Dallas now. I have been out of town during most of September and October but things are slowing down with my travels. I will have more time scheduled in Dallas through the end of the year, though part of that time I will be offering me Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy Training in November and December.

In January 2014 I will be offering my Past Life Regression Training in Dallas which has now been extended to 4 days in order to allow more time for live demonstrations and supervised practice sessions during the class. With all the contacts in other locations I am planning more travels in 2014, though these will include Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives sessions as well as Hypnotherapy Training and Past Life Regression Training in Dallas, Houston, New Orleans and Atlanta.

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Saturday, October 12, 2013

Past Life Regression Training Dallas in March 2014

Past Life Regression Certification Training available in Dallas starts January 15, 2015. Second Generation Hypnotherapist Mark Johnson visits many locations including Atlanta, San Antonio, Arkansas, Houston, New Orleans, Oklahoma City and Charleston, S.C. but he continues to keep busy in his Dallas, Texas hypnotherapy office as well.

Mark was exposed to Past Life Regression early his life and has fond memories of observing his Father facilitate Past Life Regression presentations in their home in the 60's and 70's. His father had a strong desire to do what Mark is doing now, specialize in Past Life Regression and teach others how to facilitate these sessions. His father decided to remain a medical doctor for financial reasons.

By combining his practical experience in Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives™ with his extensive training in this area, Mark has been able to begin teaching Past Life Regression Therapy. It was only a matter of time before he would decide to train other people the proven methods to guide their clients back to previous lives.

He did not realize that 45 years later he'd be facilitating past life sessions and even offering Past Life Regression Training.

Mark has obtained substantial practical experience by working with hundreds of clients and he has also taken classes with the likes of Michael Newton, Brian Weiss, Dolores Cannon, Dick Sutphen, William Baldwin and Paul Aurand. His decision to begin presenting Past Life Regression Training ended up being an obvious next step for Mark to contemplate. Get ready to assist people as they are able to achieve positive improvements in their day-to-day lives by guiding them back to previous lives.

It is possible to carry mental, physical or emotional 'baggage' beyond the end of a life and these challenges actually surface in other lives. As a result they often create complications in the current life. Mark will share his own powerful techniques that compliment what he has learned from others and is making plans for his Advanced Past Life Regression Training in the fall of 2015.

Mark's Past Life Regression Training scheduled for January 15, 2015 includes techniques Mark and developed during his extensive work traveling across Texas and into Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, South Carolina and Georgia to facilitate these sessions. Past Life Regression  can make it easy to locate the root cause of a particular challenge to help you support the client when it comes to resolving the issue in the best way possible. This Past Life Regression Training course includes a comprehensive, in depth Past Life Regression Training Manual as well as powerful scripts. A Past Life Regression Certification is included and a Specialty Certificate available through the International Association of Counselors and Therapists is available as well. You learn how to guide your clients back to previous lifetimes as well as learning in-utero regression (regression to the womb) and age regression, which involves recalling memories from an earlier time in your current life.

About Second Generation Past Life Regression Therapist Mark V Johnson: Mark V Johnson of Past Life Regression Dallas is a Second Generation Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression Hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy and Life Between Lives™ Spiritual Regression in his office in Dallas, Texas. He also travels to Atlanta, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, New Orleans, Oklahoma City, Charleston, S.C. and Arkansas. Mark teaches Basic and Advanced Hypnotherapy as well as Past Life Regression in Dallas, Texas.

#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives #hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist #alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining