Monday, December 1, 2014

Announcing Alchemical Hypnotherapy Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, San Antonio

I am happy to announce that I am now offering Alchemical Hypnotherapy sessions in Dallas, Houston and New Orleans. At this point the sessions on the road are limited to Somatic Healing and Alchemical Past Life Regression sessions. Other Alchemical Hypnotherapy sessions are available in Dallas and via Skype.

After attending a class in Dallas with Alchemical Hypnotherapy founder David Quigley, I decided I wanted to learn more about this type of hypnotherapy. Although some of the processes are familiar to me, Alchemy adds a different twist that makes a huge difference. I was able to begin incorporating various Alchemical Hypnotherapy processes into my work after the initial training.

The heart of this system involves connecting with aspects of yourself that have the ability to help you in many ways. First there is the inner child, a part of you that is still present no matter how old you are. Getting to know your inner child is very powerful and there are various ways to work with the inner child.

Some people had problems when they were younger, it is possible to connect with this inner child in order to assist in dealing with these challenges and if necessary standing beside the inner child to confront those who were involved in these situations, It is also possible to create a connection to the inner child in order to assist you in gaining insight into certain situations that occur in your life. Even if you are an adult, the inner child can offer guidance that is beyond what may be available from the adult self.

Another inner guide, as they are called, is the inner self. This aspect of us knows all the answers to any questions you may have. With many clients I have found that after they have met and connected with the inner child, the next step is getting to know the higher self. There may even be questions you never considered that can be answered by the higher self.

Creating a connection with this part of you will provide additional insight and guidance that many of us need to deal with challenges as well as lead a more successful and happy life.

These are just a few of the inner guides you will meet and learn to work with when you schedule your Alchemical Hypnotherapy sessions and begin to explore your inner world. Everyone is different, but connecting in this way and working with a variety of Alchemical processes has enabled many people to move past different challenges in their lives that have been holding them back.

Discover more about Alchemical Hypnotherapy and find out what it can for you. 

#alchemicalhypnotherapy #alchemicalhypnotherapydallas #alchemicalpastliferegression

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Interest in Past Lives is Exploding

Acceptance of hypnosis continues to grow. Just today I had a call from a professional counselor who is interested in referring a client. People are also becoming more accepting of the concept of reincarnation and past lives.

Why are these changes happening? Why are people changing their belief systems and moving in these directions? As people grow, as their consciousness begins to rise, they begin to question their belief systems that were established earlier in their lives.

The media is also affecting people in a variety of ways, but what else is new with that? In this case it's actually a good thing. People like Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium, are doing shows on Past Life Regression. Oprah has had Past Life Regression expert Brian Weiss on her show several times over the last few years. Now there is a weekly show called Reincarnation: Past Lives on the Lifetime channel. Of course it might be even more popular if it were on a major network, but it's still getting the word out.

I knew something was going on in mid March when I started getting many more emails and calls from people inquiring about Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives in Dallas. I travel to various locations to offer these sessions and have had to extend my travel plans in order to fit in all the people who are interested.

So I'll ask you what I ask people who call me about a session, why do you want to experience a past life regression? There are different answers to this question, usually they fall into one of four categories. You'll find more information on my Past Life Regression website, where you can sign up for my email list to get even more information about Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives.

#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives #hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist #alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oklahoma City Past Life Regression

Well, Past Life Regression in Oklahoma City is not exactly Past Life Regression in Dallas, but it's not too far away. I have lost track of how many times I have traveled to Oklahoma City for sessions, though I guess that doesn't matter.

I have an excellent place to work there as well, I work out of the office of Timothy Trujillo which is called First Medicines. I had the opportunity to study with Timothy in my first hypnotherapy class back in 2003 and when I started traveling to Oklahoma City I reconnected with him and discovered that he has space at his office for me when I am in town.

It's interesting traveling around to different locations, the people are different but it does not matter when I go the one thing I find in common is that more and more people are opening up and beginning to understand that there is more going on around them than they believed. People are changing and accepting ideas that may have not been accepted even 5 or 10 years ago, much less 50 years ago when my father was doing Past Life Regression back in Charleston, SC where I grew up.

I visited Oklahoma City for Past Life Regression in December 2013 and once I got there I realized that out of my 7 clients, only one was female, the rest were men ranging in age from mid 30's to 72. There were some interesting sessions there, which is not out or the ordinary.

So here I go again, returning to Oklahoma City sooner than I thought I would. I guess more people open up to the concept of reincarnation, they decide that they want to explore Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives, even if they do live in Oklahoma City.

Check out the event on facebook or you can visit my website for additional information about my upcoming visit to Oklahoma City as well as future visits. It looks like I will be traveling to Oklahoma City 2 or 3 times a year.

#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives #hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist #alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining