Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recent Past Life Sessions

I have been amazed by the experiences of my Past Life Regression clients over the last month at my office in Dallas, Texas.

While the past life portion of the sessions is always interesting, the changes that my clients seek are often achieved in the latter part of the session when they are given to opportunity to have their questions answered. These questions include both big picture topics like why am I here, what is my purpose, what am I supposed to be doing with my life, as well as more specific topics involving dreams, flashes of intuition, challenges and blocks that are preventing them from living their lives to the fullest.

The answers are provided by the subconscious mind of the client, though quite often we will also have the opportunity to visit with their spirit guides and on occasion we are able to connect with various other entities who provide guidance. These others are often a group of wise beings that supply the information that may be considered intuition, as well as guidance in their daily lives.

Since I record these sessions, I have the details of the sessions available to review, and I will be posting some of the details from sessions by clients who have given me approval to do so. In every instance these details will not include personal details about the client, as I will change their name and other details in order to provide anonymity for them.

Look for details about these sessions to be available here soon.

Clincal Hypnotherapist
Hypnosis Services in Dallas, Texas
Past Life Regression in Dallas, Texas
Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression in Dallas, Texas

#pastliferegression #quantumhealinghypnosis #lifebetweenlives #hypnotherapytraining #goodvibeshypnosis #secondgenerationhypnotherapist #alchemicalhypnotherapy #hypnosistraining  #pastliferegressiontraining

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